
Does the program follow a sub-specialty or general sign-out model?
Sub-specialty sign-out. At Hines VA, we get exposure to general sign-out.

How is the surgical pathology rotation organized?
Our surgical pathology rotation is organized into 4 weeks. We are assigned a different subspecialty per week, and one week of frozens. In the case of dermatopathology, the rotation is organized into 4 separate weeks.  

How is the grossing organized?
We are assigned to gross specimens (1-2 x/week) related to our weekly sub-specialty, for example: gynecology service will gross uterus, ovaries etc. However, you can request to gross cases not related to your sub-specialty too.

How are the anatomical pathology and clinical pathology rotation organized throughout residency?
We try to alternated the rotations on a monthly basis.