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Clinical Pathology

Loyola Pathology Clinical Laboratories undergoes multi-million dollar renovation

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Welcome to Clinical Pathology. Our laboratories are the heart and soul of laboratory medicine, and as you can see, we're in the process of building a state-of-the-art laboratory space to update and expand our services. Clinical Pathology encompasses many diverse areas of laboratory medicine, and each area has unique strengths. Our teams are led by nationally and internationally renowned faculty and supported by dedicated medical laboratory scientists and colleagues.

Here are a few highlights:

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  • The Chemical Pathology and Coagulation Laboratories make up what we refer to as the 'Core Lab', which is the foundation of our clinical operation. This is highly dynamic area is designed to be adaptable to the changing face of medicine as well as supporting the monitoring of effectiveness of new therapeutic interventions or identifying new utilities for existing biomarkers.  

  • The flow cytometry laboratory uses state-of-the-art 3 laser, 10 color instruments to perform multiparametric analysis for the diagnosis of hematopoietic disorders.

  • The HLA laboratory provides the state-of-art immunogenetics testing and timely clinical consulting services to support comprehensive solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant programs.

  • The blood bank laboratories support our transfusion medicine service, which includes a dynamic apheresis service as well as effective patient blood management practices that effectively support hospital services including all forms of transplantation and a Level 1 Trauma.

  • The clinical microbiology laboratory is an early adopter of rapid molecular diagnostic testing, which provides earlier identification of pathogens and guides effective antimicrobial utilization.

Amanda T. Harrington, PhD, D(ABMM)
Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Clinical Pathology
Vice Chair of Clinical Pathology


Anatomic Pathology