Home > Education > Pathology Residency > Current Residents > Thanchanok ‘Friend’ Chaiprasit

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Thanchanok "Friend" Chaiprasit, MD 

Friend is another one of our globe-trotting residents. She took the scenic route, all the way from her hometown of Chiang Mai, Thailand, to Bryn Mawr College of Pennsylvania for her undergraduate degree in Biology, to Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poland, and finally to here at Loyola Pathology Residency Program. Friend is still "undifferentiated" in her interests and enjoys all of her rotations so far inlcuding, but not limited to, transfusion medicine, hematopathology, gastrointestinal pathology, and cytology.  

Outside of pathology, Friend is a casual artist who dabbles in all types of medium. She enjoys making the most out of her weekends exploring Chicago, particularly the robust food scene that the city has to offer. She's a new cat mom to two Bengal cats and will take advice from any veteran cat parents. Her favorite movie is "Mad Max: Fury Road" and her current favorite TV show is Schitt's Creek. 

On why she chose Loyola: "It really came down to the people here. I had so much fun with the attendings and residents during my online rotation last year, I knew that this program was the perfect fit for me. Chicago is also THE place to be if you're looking for a city with lots of activities, world-class cuisine, and breathtaking architecture."