Students Curious in Outrageous Pathology Experiences (SCOPE)

Students Curious in Outrageous Pathology Experiences, better known as SCOPE, is the Pathology special interest group (SIG) at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. We are geared towards exposing medical students to the field of pathology, while also helping aspiring pathology applicants to gain experience working with leaders in the field. SCOPE believes that by understanding the involved in the pathology laboratories, medical students will be better served as future physicians (of all types).

By allowing medical stuents to explore the pathology specialty, it is our hope that they will be able to make more informed decisions when it comes to selecting a medical specialty.

Throughout the year, SCOPE holds various exciting and educational events such as "Halloween in the Morgue", Pathology Jeopardy, Pathology "Deeper Levels" Seminar Series, and even a summer picnic at Dr. Mirza's house!

SCOPE is a great way to learn about the dynamic and interesting field of Pathology, and it also offers the opportunity to see if pathology just may be the perfect specialty choice for you!

Check out SCOPE on social media via Twitter and Facebook

Medical students doing a pathology elective in our department are regularly tweeting using hashtags #TwitterHomework and #PathElective - be sure to follow along!

Stritch SCOPE also collaborates with the novel, virtual PathSIG (@PATH_SIG) which was co-founded by Dr. Mirza (@kmirza)

We hope you enjoy your Pathology Adventure! Sincerely, your SCOPE Board 2020-2021


SCOPE Events