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Pathology for Medical Students
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is pleased to offer pathology electives via VSAS and the Stritch School of Medicine elective portal. We offer a broad array of elective types, including virtual pathology electives (during COVID19). Please click the “electives offered” box on the right to learn more.
Observerships for students and physicians (in non VSAS) programs are also offered routinely; however, processing of this program is temporarily halted until social distancing measures due to COVID-19 are not needed. Please check back for more information.
In the meanwhile, select spots for a virtual observership are available, please click the link to the right and feel free to check out an interactive and modular (free) pathology elective online “PathElective” founded by Dr. Kamran Mirza and Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine medical student Cullen Lilley
Resources for medical students